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Enhancing Customer Value with Advanced Plasticizing Technology

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Andreas Robeck has joined our team as the Lead Engineer for Plasticizing Systems.

Andreas is a renowned expert in plasticizing technology, bringing over eleven years of experience in plastics technology and more than six years dedicated to developing cutting-edge plasticizing solutions. His extensive expertise will be invaluable to our team.

He has a clear vision for addressing the needs of our customers through modern plasticizing methods. His objective is to enhance customer value in plastics processing by ensuring reliable and high-performance plasticizing in injection molding machines. He aims to set new benchmarks in our Hurricane development project.

With a doctorate in mechanical engineering, Andreas possesses a profound understanding of developing plasticizing systems and analyzing application-specific processes, including wear and performance optimizations. His substantial experience in service and sales support for the most demanding plastics and applications will be a significant asset for our customers moving forward.

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